Brazing Rods

Maksal adds new product to range.

Brazing Rods

While exhibiting at an international exhibition overseas Maksal was introduced to J.W.Harris Co., Inc. from Mason Ohio USA. Harris is an American company with quality expectations that are the highest in the industry. Harris has manufacturing plants in the USA, Brazil, and Poland. The facility in Mason Ohio USA won the Industry Week’s prestigious 2012 nationwide Best Plants competition.

Having a similar customer base Maksal was asked to distribute their consumable products in South Africa. An agreement was reached and already in stock at all Maksal branches is Harris standard copper to copper brazing rods.

Brazing rods with silver content will be added as well as Blockade brazing alloy. The Blockade Silicon brazing alloys offer significant advantages over phos/copper and silver/phos/copper brazing alloys and present important differences in the brazing of copper and its alloys. The addition of silicon affects such noticeable changes as:

  • Outstanding ability to form a large shoulder, or cap, at the braze connection.
  • Distinct, favourable colour changes in the finished braze alloy.
  • Improved ductility over non –silver bearing BCuP-2 braze alloys.
  • Easily brazes brass and brass alloys without the addition of silver.
  • Significantly reduces brazing temperatures compared to BCuP braze alloys.

Training can be provided by Maksal for our distributors or their customers at request from our distributors.

Maksal adds new product to range.
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